They are small, but mighty! The correct fixings are essential to ensure that all those site safety facilities and measures stay securely, strongly connected and in place.
Provincial Rubber has all the vital bits and pieces you need to fix your site safety firmly in place, and keep it there, from the littlest nuts, bolts and washers to hefty steel fixing plates and threaded rods of various dimensions.
To make life really easy you can order the fixings you need right here on our website using our safe Worldpay checkout. We have an extremely large stock on hand so there’ll be no delay before we send out your order for rapid delivery to anywhere across the UK.
If you require fixings for your site safety equipment and facilities that are not featured here in our product listings never fear – just give us a ring on 0117 954 1117, or contact us via the website contact form, and we’ll be able to assist you.
Provincial Rubber has been serving the needs of British industry for 85 years, and we’re known for our ability to provide cost-effective solutions. So, don’t hesitate to contact us for help in meeting your site safety challenges.