The AFZ-1200 is a device for preparing (die-cutting) of belts and tapes up to a width of 1200 mm and a thickness of 8 mm for the Step-Flex (finger over finger, only two-ply belts) or Flexproof (finger) joints. It is suitable for all standard finger geometries with a pitch of 10 or 20 mm. Other geometries can be made with special multiple finger punching heads. Die-cutting operation is pneumatic, lateral feed of the punching head is manual by means of an indexed crank drive.
A transportable version of the machine is available. This can be transported without the supporting structure in a station wagon or van and thus be used for preparing of belts on site.
The machine is of "open throat" design, i.e. wider belts than 1200 mm can be punched in several steps.
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