PVC Curtaining
We offer a wide range of PVC Strip Curtains in different types. We are aware that very few curtains are the same size or for the same purpose so we have arranged our curtains into categories according to their usage: Pedestrian only, Pedestrian and Vehicle, Vehicle only. For each of these there are internal, external or partitioning curtains grades. As always a wide range of size options are available (see individual product details).
All of our PVC Strips Curtains are manufactured to the highest quality standards and do not contain either DOP or DEHP and as a result are all compliant with the REACH directive.
Typical PVC Curtaining Applications:
Temperature Control – reduces hot or cold air loss
Dust Control – restricts movement of air pollutants and dust between segregated areas
Noise Reduction – can be used to isolate an area containing noisy machinery
Health and Safety – provides a doorway without blocking any light, ensuring a safer working environment
Insect/Pest Control – provides protection from some insects as well as birds and other pests
The fittings are available in galvanised and stainless steel.
We also offer the Polar, low temperature grade and bumper strip with raised profiles each side to stop damage from forklifts and in various colours.
Welding curtaining, PVC and Canvas also complete with hanging systems and eyelets, are standard to the range.
Product categories: